Are you dealing with too much stress? Have you tried all the personal growth you could find, yet you’re not where you want to be and you still feel like something isn’t right?
You mind tells you it should be different, but you can’t seem to just get to your destination.
I will choose among all the energy and personal growth techniques I’ve learned the best ones to help you shift your energy and remove your blocks so that you can be more YOU.
There are many ways to see and think and try to explain what energy work is. But the only real answer is to experience it.
See what past clients have to say:
“After my healing with Sylvain, I felt so connected to universal love. He helped me to open my heart and receive more than I had felt in a long time. I was very heavy under depressive thoughts and feelings, but things started moving after 1 or 2 sessions with him. Great healing!” – Sofia N
“Throughout that healing, I felt my body and my mind relax. Surprisingly enough, no monkey mind action, just images and colors coming to me and a warming sensation travelling inside of my body. And this effect lasted after the end of the healing, it was as if my body and my mind had found a safe haven and were recalling that state afterwards.
I really enjoyed the experience and in particular the unexpected parts of it. Sylvain knows what questions to ask and what appropriate healing to use, a great teacher!” – Mayda P
“[Issues] Not sleeping, stressed, anxious, problems with my flatmate
[Results] I felt very relaxed during the healing, slept well and then more calmer and grounded
Bringing me back to myself and out of the fear so I could think again” – Saloni S
“I experienced Sylvain as very present, kind, attuned, and easy to connect with. I felt very calm, relaxed, peaceful, and even blissful during and after the session.” – Christina R
Each session takes place online through Zoom (audio/video), lasts 50 minutes and costs €80 (~$95).
Schedule now using the calendar below.
I have been doing personal development for more than 15 years, studying many different methods, including EFT, The Journey and the work of many teachers. I am currently enrolled at the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine to increase my skills in healing techniques.